Nepali Students: Study Requirements in Germany
  • Prajwal Bhandari
  • 10 months ago

Germany is one of the best education destinations for Nepalese students. Therefore, this nation is a dream destination for many Nepali. This is understandable as Germany is renowned for its exceptional cultural diversity and historical cities. Furthermore, Germany has 450 state-accredited universities and more than 17 thousand degree programs. Therefore Germany has one of the best education systems in the world.

Additionally, Germany draws more than 5 million international students. And you might very well be one of these five million students. However, before making that decision, you should know the requirements for Nepali students to Study in Germany.

By knowing these requirements, you can prepare well in advance and make studying in Germany easier. So, what are these requirements?

In this blog, we will explore the various requirements you need to fulfill. So without any further ado, let's get started!

Requirements to Study in Germany

As a Nepali student, there are several requirements to study in Germany that you must fulfill. First, you must fulfill the academic requirements set by the University of your choice. Furthermore, you must also meet the language and financial requirements if you want to study in Germany. Along with this, you must also have the appropriate documents. Another requirement for Nepali students to study in Germany is health insurance.

But you now may ask- What about the specifics of these requirements? The following are the requirements for Nepali students to Study in Germany.

Academic Requirements

One of the first things you should consider as a Nepali who wishes to study in Germany is meeting the academic requirements. That said, you should note that the specifics of the admission  requirements will vary depending on the University of your choice. Regardless, there are still some base requirements that you should meet. With this in mind, the minimum requirements to study in Germany as a Nepali student are as follows.

Academic Requirements for Undergraduate Level (Bachelor's Degree)

If you want to enroll in Undergraduate programs in Germany, you should first have the certificates from SEE (Previously known as  SLC) and your secondary exam (+2 curriculum) certificate. Additionally, you must also have certified translated copies of the documents. Along with these documents, you must have a minimum grade of C+ or 3.0 GPA aggregate for your high school program. That said, you can still get admission in Germany if you provide a convincing reason about your language proficiency in your motivation letter with a minimum GPA of 2.3.

You should note that the grades we mentioned here are just the base admission requirements. You will likely need higher grades than the ones we mentioned here if you want to study abroad in Germany. In other words, the academic requirements you need to study Undergraduate programs in Germany Are as follows:

  • SLC/SEE certificate
  • +2 Certificate
  • Above 3.0 in GPA (C+ Grade/60%)

Do note that 2.0 is just the minimum requirement to study in Germany. While you will qualify for education in Germany with a 3.0 GPA, the likelihood of acceptance is lower. Therefore, we recommend you get a higher GPA than 3.0. 

Graduate Programs (Master's Degree)

If you want to study in Germany for the Graduate programs, you will first need to complete a Bachelor's Degree in a relevant field. If you do not have a bachelor's Degree but a diploma instead, you must show that you have sixteen years of total education. If you do not meet these two criteria, you must take preparatory courses in Germany to meet the required years. Besides the required years of education, you must also meet the minimum grade specified by the University of your choice. While the specifics of the grades will vary, you should have a minimum of 2.5 GPA out of 4. Furthermore, you should also have good scores on GRE/GMAT.

In other words, the academic requirements to study Graduate courses in Germany as a Nepali student are as follows:

  • Bachelor's Degree or equivalent to 16 years of total education
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 out of 4 or equivalent academic grade
  • Good scores in GRE/GMAT

These are the core academic requirements for Nepali students for studying abroad in Germany. Now while noting these requirements, you should also remember that what we presented here are the minimum requirements.

Language Requirements

Learning the Deutsch language is one of the core aspects of studying in Germany. Therefore, if you want to study in Germany, you must have a good grasp of their native language and meet the academic requirements. This does not mean that every course in Germany is in Deutsch. You can enroll in English-taught courses in Germany. However, even if you still enroll in an English-taught course in Germany, you should still have some basic grasp of their native language. With these in mind, the following are the basic language requirements to study in this nation.

German Language Proficiency

You must be proficient in Deutsch to study in German-taught programs. While the specifics of this language requirement will vary depending on your preferred course and German Universities, the minimum language requirements are as follows.

  • Completion of TestDaF or DSH exam with a score of 3 or higher
  • Language proficiency of C1 or B2 level or higher.

You will need a TestDaF/DSH score of 4/5 or Deutsch language proficiency of C1 or higher for some curriculums and universities, especially if they are among the top universities in Germany.

Besides the specific language requirement for education, you will need an A1 level of language proficiency to apply for Germany.

Note: The language proficiency is graded as A1 and A2 as beginner, B1 and B2 as intermediate, and C1 and C2 as expert. If you are looking for an efficient way to learn the German Language, do visit us at Edu Zeit. We provide the best German Language classes up to B2 Level from German Return Language Coaches. 

English Language Proficiency

If you want to enroll in an English-taught course in Germany, you must have a good grasp of this language. While the specific requirements will vary depending on the German Universities, you should have a minimum of 90 Scores in TOEFL or 6.5 in IELTS.

It is important to note that regardless of whether you choose to enroll in a German-taught course or an English-taught course, you must have some level of German language proficiency to apply for Germany.

Financial Requirements

Besides meeting the academic requirements, you must meet the financial capacity to study in Germany. Now you should note that studying and living in Germany is expensive compared to Nepal. This is even more so if you study at a private university in Germany. If you choose to study at a public university in Germany, you can reduce the cost of living in Germany fairly. Regardless, you should show proof of adequate funds to study in Germany. Following is a list of basic financial requirements for studying abroad in Germany for Nepali students.

  • Sufficient funds to cover your living expenses amount to a base of €11,208 (or Npr of 16,01,135) annually.
  • If you choose to study in Germany for over a year, you should show you can have the required funds for your entire study duration.
  • A blocked account with the full amount.

These are the basic financial requirements that you must fulfill. If you are curious how we arrived at the base amount for a year, check out our work, where we calculate the cost of living in Germany.

Note: The currency conversion is based on the conversion rate on 2023 August 22.


Once you meet all the requirements mentioned here, it is time to prepare the documents. As you may know, you cannot apply for a student visa in Germany without the proper documents. The Following are the documents you require to apply for a Students Visa in Germany.

  • Academic certificates of your 10th grade, 12th grade, Bachelor's Degree and transcripts that have been translated into German or English.
  • Standardized test scores for TOEFL/IELTS/GRE/GMAT
  • German Language proficiency certificate
  • A passport valid for above one year from the duration of your course.
  • Completed visa application form.
  • Proof of financial resources
  • Health insurance confirmation
  • Motivation letter
  • CV/Resume
  • Letter of recommendation
  • University application form
  • Application fee payment
  • Birth Certificate

While getting these documents, it is important to note you should get them certified by the University Grants Commission. You should also have digital prints or backups.

Health Insurance

As mentioned, you must have health insurance to study in Germany as a Nepali student. Even if you meet the criteria we have mentioned so far, you will not be qualified to study in Germany if you do not have health insurance. That said, even within health insurance, there are a few criteria that you must fulfill. Some of these criteria are as follows:

  • The health insurance must cover the entire duration of your stay in Germany.
  • Health insurance must cover emergency medication, dental treatment, hospitalization, and repatriation.

Now do note that there are many types of health insurance in Germany for international students. If you want to learn more about health insurance in detail, check out our work on Health Insurance in Germany for Students.


If you want to pursue higher education, Germany is undoubtedly one of your best education destinations. However, there are some requirements for Nepali students to study in Germany that you must fulfill. If you do not meet these requirements, you cannot fulfill your dream of studying in Germany. These requirements range from academic qualifications, language proficiency, and financial proof to health insurance and documentation. You can finally start your application process once you have met all the requirements.

If you want expert guidance and services to fulfill your dream of studying in Germany, remember us at Edu Zeit. We hope you found this helpful. Do check out our other blogs if you want further insight into education in Germany.

FAQ on Requirements to Study in Germany for Nepali Students

How much money is required to study in Germany from Nepal?

The specifics of the money required to study in Germany from Nepal will vary depending on several factors. These factors include your lifestyle, type of University, and program. However, the base estimate is that you should have over 10,100 per year to study in Germany.

How much GPA is required to study in Germany from Nepal?

If you want to study in Germany, you should have a base GPA of 3.0 out of 4 for Bachelor's Degree and 3.0 out of 4 for a Master's Degree. However, this is just the base requirement. The specifics of the required score can be much higher than the ones we mentioned here.

How much bank balance is required for a German student visa?

The minimum balance required to study in Germany is €11,208. You must show this balance in your bank to the German embassy. You must also ensure that you can sustain this balance for your study in Germany.

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