How do you prepare to study in Germany
  • Eduzeit
  • 9 months ago

Do you dream of starting your journey in one of the best education destinations in the World? If you do, then Germany is the best option for you. Studying in Germany is one of the best ways to enhance your education and uplift your worldview. If you are wondering why, there are several reasons for this. First of all, Germany has some of the best Universities globally. Furthermore, this nation is also home to state-of-the-art research facilities to aid your educational journey. But before you begin all that, you must ask - How do you prepare to study in Germany?

Well, in this blog, we will talk about this very thing. So join us as we explore the various aspects one must consider before studying in Germany.

How do you prepare for Studying in Germany?

There is no straight answer to this question. The best answer will be - it depends on your circumstances. However, there are some steps you must take before you start your journey to study in Germany. Some of the key steps are as follows.

1. Research Study Programs and University

Research Study Programs and University

Once you decide to study in Germany, one of the first things you should do is research. During this process, you should research the best course that suits your needs, along with the various universities that provide the said courses. For this, you can consider your career goals and the course you are already involved in. To make this process easier, some of the top study programs in Germany are as follows:

  • Medicine and Dentistry
  • Law
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Automobile
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Natural Sciences
  • Business and economics

Now do note that these are just some of the popular courses. Besides these, you can find just about every course in Germany. After selecting the course, you can select the appropriate University for you. Some of the best Universities in Germany are as follows:

  • Technical University of Munich
  • LMU Munich
  • Heidelberg University
  • Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Humboldt University of Berlin
  • University of Tübingen
  • University of Bonn
  • Free University of Berlin
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • University of Freiburg

If you want further details regarding the best Universities, do check out our blog on Top Universities in Germany.

2. Understand the Admission Requirements

Once you select the study program and University, the next step is understanding the Admission requirements. Depending on your program and University, the specifics of the admission requirements will vary. However, the minimum requirements are as follows:

  • Bachelor's Degree
  • SEE/SLC Certificate
  • +2 Certificate
  • Above 3.0 GPA or equivalent in percentage
  • Master's Degree
  • Bachelor's Degree or 16 years of total education
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 or equivalent grade
  • Good Scores in GRE/GMAT

These are just some basic admission requirements to prepare for studies abroad in Germany. If you want further details on requirements for Nepali Students to study in Germany, we already covered this in our earlier blog. So do give it a read.

3. Financial Planning

Financial Planning for Germany

Another aspect that you should prepare for studies abroad in Germany is the finances. At the end of the day, even if you have all the required qualifications, you still need to afford the education. Therefore, before you decide to study in Germany, you should prepare the required finances. Following is the breakdown of the required finances to study in Germany.


Cost in Euro/ Month

Cost in NPR/ Month

Living Cost




60 to 500

8578 to 71485

Food Expenses

60 to 500

8578 to 71485


40 to 150

5718 to 21445

Personal Expenses

20 to 200

2858 to 28594

Electricity and Water

60 to 300

8578 to 42891

Health Insurance

120 to 200*

17096 to 42740*

The cost in NPR is estimated as per the conversion rate on September 6th of 2023

This amounts to a total cost of 680 to 2,170 euros Per month or equivalent to 8,160 to 26,040 euros per year, excluding tuition fees. This is an estimated budget with the assumption that you will spend some money on recreation. Besides this rough estimation the official estimated living cost in Germany is around 11,208 euros per year.  Therefore, even if you only spend the minimum amount, you still need to have 11,208 euro in your bank account if you want to study in Germany!

While you do not need to worry about the tuition fees if you study in public German Universities, you will need to separate a budget for education for your tuition fees.

We recommend you opening a blocked account to manage the cost of living in Germany.

4. Visa and Legal Requirements

Another aspect you must prepare for study in Germany is Visa and legal requirements. This part of preparation includes every aspect of the documentation process. Some of the key requirements you must prepare are as follows:

  • Obtain a national student visa from the German consulate.
  • Get the admission letter from your University.
  • Obtain proof of valid health insurance in Germany covering the entire duration of your education program.
  • Proof of required financial resources with a minimum of 11,208 euros in blocked accounts.
  • Valid passport
  • Academic Requirements
  • Proof of visa renewal

The specific requirements will vary depending on your individual circumstances. If you need aid during the documentation process, do visit us at Edu Zeit to make the process easier and more convenient.

5. Language Preparation

Another aspect that you must prepare for studying in Germany is the language. Since the national language of Germany is Deutsch, learning German language is a must. This is even more so if you choose an education program taught in the German language. Although the specific requirements will vary, you should at least be capable of conversing in German if you want to study in Germany. The bar for language will be higher if you want to study a German-taught program. With this in mind, the following is the base language requirement you must prepare for studying in Germany.

  • Get a Score of 3 or higher in TestDaF or DSH.
  • Language proficiency of B2 level or higher for German-taught course
  • German language proficiency of A1 level or higher for English-taught courses.

Do note that the language requirement will vary depending on the courses and University. Be sure to check with your University for the specifics.

Note: If you want to learn the German language Classes up to B2 Level from German Return Expert language coaches, feel free to contact us at Eeu Zeit.

6. Accommodation

Accommodation in Germany for Nepali Students

The final aspect you must prepare before studying in Germany is finding accommodation. Now, there are several accommodation options for you as an international student from Nepal. Some of these accommodation options are as follows:

  • Students Residence
  • Flat Shares (Wohngemeinschaft)
  • Private Accommodation
  • Short-Stay Accommodation

Each of these accommodation options has its own pros and cons. Therefore, be sure to research thoroughly before choosing your stay. Once you choose this, you can make arrangements for your departure.

This is the overall summary of the question: How do you prepare to study in Germany? Now, do note that the information here is just the general aspects of the preparation. As mentioned earlier, the specifics will vary depending on your choices and circumstances.


So, how do you prepare to study in Germany? For this, you must first research your University and meet the qualifications. After this, you should plan your finances before proceeding to meet the visa and legal requirements. Once you manage all of this, you can become proficient in German language and manage your accommodation. After completing all of these preparations, you can fulfill your dream of studying in Germany, one of the best education destinations across the globe!

If you want expert guidance and services to fulfill your dream of studying in Germany, remember us at Edu Zeit. We hope you found this helpful. Do check out our other blogs if you want further insight into education in Germany.

FAQ on Preparing for Study in Germany

Q: How do you study in Germany step by step?

A: The specific way to study in Germany will vary depending on your individual circumstances. That said, you can implement the process below as a general guideline.

  • Choose a Program
  • Prepare the Documents
  • Check the Admission Requirements
  • Submit your Application
  • Get Health Insurance
  • Get Students Visa
  • Find Accommodation
  • Depart for Germany

Q: What are the general admission requirements for international students in Germany?

A: The general requirements for international students to study in Germany include academic qualifications, language proficiency, financial proof, student visa, and health insurance.

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